Meet the President of BioSur Foundation, Jim Cordoba-Alfaro

Save a Fragile Ecosystem and its Wildlife

According to the UN global assessment report the biomass of wild mammals has fallen by 82%, natural ecosystems have lost about half their area and a million species are at risk of extinction – all largely as a result of human actions, said the study, compiled over three years by more than 450 scientists and diplomats. It is our obligation to preserve these pristine ecosystems for the next generations. Lands for Biological Diversity gives you the opportunity to protect and steward thousands of acres of wooded wetlands and its wildlife in perpetuity.

This sanctuary could be your legacy.


Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about creating wildlife sanctuaries in one of the last edens on earth. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself.



Your $150/month donation for two years buys an acre of sanctuary land, protected in perpetuity.


Donate Offline

If you prefer to make a gift offline, you can send a check made out to Lands for Biological Diversity at the following address:

Lands for Biological Diversity

1823 Walnut Ave.

Wilmette, IL 60091

For bank wire information, please contact us at